The condition of suddenly developing a talent-musical, artistic or mathematical-is called acquired savant syndrome and is believed to occur when the right brain compensates for an injury on the left brain. 这种忽然间发展出某种才能音乐才能、艺术才能或数学才能的病例被称作后天性学者症候群,其产生原因是左脑遭受损伤后,右脑作出的补偿机制。
Few countries, if any, allow immigrants to pass on their right of abode to children born elsewhere before they themselves have acquired that right. 很少国家会准许尚未取得居留权的入境者,把居留权传给在其他地方出生的子女。
Rights acquired by third parties before the date of the first application that serves as the basis for the right of priority are reserved in accordance with the domestic legislation of each country of the union. 第三人在作为优先权根据的第一次申请的日期以前所取得的权利,依照本联盟每一国家的国内法予以保留。
Work in areas where new row is to be acquired will begin, as necessary, after the right of entry has been provided. 在须获得新路权的区域的工程应在,必要时,提供入场权后开始。
Results Both the patient and the relatives acquired the right knowledge of AIDS, and the patient was discharged with a better health condition. 结果:患者及亲属对病情有了正确认识,患者病情好转出院。
Whereas Americans used to look upon Wilberforce, in a fuzzy way, as an equivalent of Abraham Lincoln, the British abolitionist has now acquired fans on the religious right. 美国人原来惯于将威伯福斯含糊地比作亚伯拉罕.林肯,而时下英国废除派则要求跟众们支持宗教权利。
Members are not obliged to accord such authority in respect of protected subject matter acquired or ordered by a person prior to knowing or having reasonable grounds to know that dealing in such subject matter would entail the infringement of an intellectual property right. 如受保护的客体是在一人知道或有合理的根据知道从事该客体的交易会构成知识产权侵权之前取得或订购的,则各成员无义务给予此种授权。
Abandonment of heirdom is to abandon the acquired right, which has the characters of both status act and property act. 放弃继承权是对继承既得权予以放弃的意思表示,兼具身份行为和财产行为的性质。
Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. 多数历史建筑都随着时间发生了变化,这些变化代表了建筑物的历史重要性,应当被保持和保护。
In face recognition process, the dominant area in face of information acquired was right facial area. 在人脸认知过程中,被试者都是以人脸的右部区域作为信息提取的优势区域。
No, they are officials whose children and spouse, not because of work, all live abroad or have acquired a foreign nationality, or have the right of permanent abode in foreign countries. 不是,“裸体官员”是指配偶和子女非因工作需要均在国(境)外定居或加入外国国籍或取得国(境)外永久居留权的官员。
Personal second-hand housing loan means a loan lent by bank to the borrower for it to purchase a personal housing or a commercial housing whose house property certificate the seller has acquired and which has a complete right of disposal and is legally traded in the secondary market. 个人二手房贷款是银行向借款人发放的用于购买售房人已取得房屋产权证、具有完全处置权利、在二级市场上合法交易的个人住房或商用房的贷款。
Resource: Explanation and testing the acquired knowledge of associates by having them attach the right colored post-its to the right area to clean. 资源:通过他们正确地用颜色帖粘贴到正确的清洁区域,解释并测试员工已经学到的知识。
In this case an instance lock is acquired four times: three times for the append method and one time for the toString method, right after another. 在上面的例子中,锁的实例会被请求四次:前三次是执行append方法,最后一次是执行toString方法,紧接着前一个。
Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. 历史建筑的变化反映了此建筑物的历史经历,具有历史重要性,应当被保持和保护。
Intensive study of one phenomenon of English grammar and how it is processed and acquired suggest that both theories are partly right. 针对英语语法作为一种现象,以及它是如何被处理和习得的密集性研究,得出的建议为上述两种理论是部份正确的。
Although it was acquired in2009 by Amazon, the online retailer retains relative autonomy and the right to run itself the same way as it did before. 尽管美捷步在2009年时被亚马逊收购,它仍然拥有相对自主的权利,能够用和以往相同的方式去经营公司。
Vintage watches can only really be acquired by being in the right place at the right time. 古董级手表,其实只有在合适的时间出现在合适的地方才能买到。
Two patterns of surface EMG signals were acquired from 30 healthy volunteers 'right forearm flexor respectively in the process of forearm supination ( FS) and forearm pronation ( FP). 在30个健康志愿者做前臂内旋和外旋时,从他们的右前臂肌前群分别采集2类动作表面肌电信号。
In addition, the special identity of civil servant is acquired based on voluntary and certain interests gained by the civil servant are enough to compensate the restriction of part of his right to privacy. 况且,公职人员特殊身份的取得是建立在自愿的基础之上,担任公职人员获得的一定收益足以抵消受到限制的部分隐私权。
The structure, working principle, performances and application of a new type automatic ball-adding machine for ball mill are described, which is designed under the leadership of the author. It has acquired the national patent right and found successful application. 介绍一种由笔者主持设计、已获得国家专利并得到成功应用的球磨机新型自动加球机的结构、工作原理、设备性能及应用情况。
Acquired the right to expect the right relative is still in a development rights; 期待权与既得权相对,是一项仍处于发展中的权利;
A tender offer is a way of the listed company acquisitions. It is the acquiring firm offers publicly to all the stockholders of the acquired firm to buy part or all shares at a certain price in order to obtain the right to control. 要约收购是上市公司收购的一种方式,是指收购者公开向被收购公司的全体股东发出收购要约,以一定的价格购买该上市公司的全部或部分股份,以获得上市公司的控制权。
Whereas in cases where a third party has acquired the right of things, the starting point of legislation and judicial protection should be de jure right of things. 在发生第三人物权取得的情况下,立法和司法保护的基本出发点是法律物权。
The legal meaning of virtual property is the data record which appears in the form of virtual articles and is acquired through paying of money by the player during the virtual property's existence and the right of using and dealing with the data record. 法律意义上的虚拟财产系指网络游戏存续期间,玩家以支付货币等合法方式取得的,具有现实交易价值的,以虚拟物品形式显示的数据记录以及使用或处理这些数据记录的权利。
Along with social development and the improvement of technology on building manufacture, the mobile house has acquired widely application in every walk of life by right of comfort, convenience, excellence in protecting environment. 随着社会发展和建筑制造技术的不断提高,活动房以其舒适、方便、环保等特点,在各行各业中得到了广泛应用。
Though some effects have been acquired, the particularity and complexity of the forestry property right system have objectively determined that the reform is a long term process, which need constantly improved. 尽管如此,由于林权制度的复杂性,决定了林权制度改革是一项不断完善的过程。